Welcome to the day 2 challenge and training where you will define your audience.
BTW, if you found this page and would like access to the other pages, you can join the challenge for free by clicking this link.
Step 1: Watch the video
Step 2: Read the notes
First, you need to figure out and decide what your audience is and define it.
What is the difference between an audience, a target market and an avatar?
An audience is basically the same thing as a target market. It’s the kinds of people you want to serve and attract. Where they live, their age, gender, education, ethnicity, etc… The term “audience” is used by Facebook so you can have more than one audience, so we could say that target market is broader than audience, but don’t quote me on that. In terms of Facebook ads, your audience is who you are targeting with a specific ad, like 25-35 year old males who live in St-Louis or 40-60 year old women who live in Montreal… but both can be part of the same target market of people who like MLM, Bitcoins and Tnoy Robbins who have kids, went to college, own a home and have a job.
An avatar is a specific person with a specific gender, a specific age, specific likes, dislikes and attributes such as if they have kids, what their weight is, where they are from, what is their studies, etc… you can even give them a name like Julie, Dixie, Brittney, Frank, Don Juan or Julio.
To find the right pages and groups in Facebook, think of their likes and dislikes and type words related to that in the search bar in Facebook (see video for details) and then select the Pages and Groups tabs – join 5 groups and like 5 pages per day.
Step 3: Complete your challenge
Write down your top 5-10 audience attributes, their top 5 likes and top 5 challenges or pains.
Join 5 groups and like 5 pages.
Step 4: Go to the group
Go to the group to share your thoughts, ask any other questions and post your completed challenge. Something like a post that says “Day 2 is done. My target market is…. and I joined groups A, B and C… and liked pages X, Y and Z”
Also, as you did yesterday, please take a minute to look at other people’s posts in our group to like and comment on them – this community is for you and your encouragement to someone else may make their day.
Step 5: Go back to messenger
Click here to return to our messenger bot.
Click on the DAY 2 DONE button so that we can send you the Day 3 training link.
P.S. If you are enjoying this challenge as much as I enjoyed putting it together, it would be great if you could share it.
Share the page with your friends so they can get the same results.