Day 4 – Engagement – Facebook FREE 5 Day Challenge to your first leads

Welcome to Day 4 of the challenge where you will learn how to create engagement on your posts.

BTW, if you found this page and would like access to the other pages, you can join the challenge for free by clicking this link.

Step 1: Watch this video

Step 2: read the notes

To create engagement and have others see your posts, you need to things such as:

  • Like and comment on other people’s posts in your news feed.
  • Share a few posts in your timeline and fan page.
  • Visit a few (5 or so) friends profiles to like and comment on a few of their posts as well as share a post or two. If you do this daily, do different friends each day.
  • Visit a few (5 or so) of the pages you like and the groups you joined to do the same.
    • Keep in mind that Facebook has algorithms that check that your activity isn’t too different from your past behavior and if it changes too much, they may block you, so do not make drastic changes in a day.
    • Everything is part of this algorithm. How many likes you gave, how many comments you posted, how many shares you did, how many messages you sent, how many groups you joined, how many pages you liked, everything!
    • You can increase your activity over time to get to as much as 100 comments or more a day – just don’t do that too quickly – although you need to consider what you can do every single day and not go crazy, it’s important to do similar activity every day.

Step 3: Complete your challenge

Day 4’s challenge is to like & comment on 5 of your friends posts and share 1 of your friends posts. If you have a business page too, you can share a few more there, just don’t share 10 things a day on your profile, people like to see you creating content. You should also do that in pages and groups – let us know in the group how that went, how you chose the friends, pages and groups to do that with and any results you got from that.

You should also have joined another 5 groups and liked another 5 pages related to your target market as learned in Day 2 training – feel free to share which groups and pages in our group as well if you wish.

You should also have created a new post for the day of a type not done yet as learned in Day 3 training – feel free to share that in our group as well if you wish.

Step 4: Go to the group:

Go to the group to share your thoughts, ask any other questions and post your completed challenge. In this case, post something like “Day 4 done, I’ve commented and liked posts from friend A, B and C and in page D, E and F and in group X, Y and Z”.

Also, as you did yesterday, please take a minute to look at other people’s posts in the group to like and comment on them – this community is for you and your encouragement to someone else may make their day.

Step 5: Go back to messenger

Click here to return to our messenger bot.

Click on the DAY 4 DONE button so that we can send you the Day 5 training link.


P.S. If you are enjoying this challenge as much as I enjoyed putting it together, it would be great if you could share it.

Share the page with your friends so they can get the same results.