Congratulations on your graduation from the 5 day challenge to get your first 5-10 leads for free!
Step 1: Watch this video
Step 2: Go to the group
Go to the group to share your thoughts, ask any other questions and post your completed challenge.
You should also have joined another 5 groups and liked another 5 pages related to your target market as learned in Day 2 training – feel free to share which groups and pages in the group as well if you wish.
You should also have created a new post for the day of a type not done yet as learned in Day 3 training – feel free to share that in the group as well if you wish.
You should also have liked, commented of 5 of your friends posts and shared 1 of your friends posts. You should also have done that in pages and groups as you leaned in Day 4 training – feel free to share that in the group as well if you wish.
You should also have sent 5 more friend requests and had 5 more conversations as you learned in Day 5 training – – feel free to share that in the group as well if you wish.
This should be your new daily activities – each thing learned in Day 2, 3, 4 and 5 training was a part of daily activities that when done long enough (30 to 60 days) become a habit and after the first 5-10 days become a lot easier and less time consuming to do.
Step 3: Go to the fan page
Post a recommendation (if you feel you we delivered what we promissed)
Click the YES button and then leave a comment of why you liked, learned or your results.
You will see this:
Step 4: Join 10 day challenge
Keep the momentum going and get to the next level. Learn how to setup a Blog, an auto-responder (email list), a CRM (customer relationship manager), a funnel (sales pages), opt-in pages and how to setup all your other social media platforms!
This challenge is OPEN to members of MLSP!
If you are already a member of MLSP, you can still join the challenge for the same low price of $10!
Join the challenge here
Step 5: Share the challenge
I hope you enjoyed the challenge and thought it was great as much as I enjoyed putting it together.
Share the page with your friends so they can get the same results.