How Can I Help YOU?
All I want from you is YOUR success, so let me know what you are looking for. I am honored and humbled that you are looking to work with me. Let’s find YOUR passion together. Go ahead and connect and reach out to me if you have any questions. I also have Coaching Programs.
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If you are ready to work with me, you will need to first start by getting my Free Guide of 12 Easy Steps to Monetizing Your Passion. Check out the FREE Training page and the Register link above for more value for you.
Welcome to Jean Serge Gagnon blog
Hi, my name is Jean-Serge Gagnon but my friends call me JS (except maybe if you are French or like to pronounce French names 😉 ).
I am so happy and excited to tell you about Jean Serge Gagnon and to meet you and look forward to counting you as my friend. Please connect and reach out to me. I think that I am a driven, dedicated, honest and a positive person. I have an amazing, beautiful wife who I love more than life, I am a father of 4 girls and I have 4 grand kids. I don’t know where I’d be without my fantastic family.
I have always been an Entrepreneur and am constantly looking to better myself. I hope to be able to inspire you to do the same if you aren’t already. I am an amateur botanist, I love hiking and tennis and I have been a computer programmer most of my life. I was involved with one of the biggest and most successful network marketing companies from 1991 to 96 and gained huge knowledge with that experience such as how important personal development is, how the MLM industry is changing lives and how to run a business but was ultimately discouraged by others and never had success. In 1998, I co-founded a Linux based software company called Newlix and discovered how much work it is to run a traditional business. From putting together a business plan, to presenting for angel and then VC funding, to dealing with legal and accounting issues, hiring, firing and everything in between.
Now, I am involved in many other income producing activities and even though this is all about success, I really just want to help you accomplish your goals and dreams. Feel free to reach out if you have any questions or would like me to post about a specific success tip.
P.S. Are you FRUSTRATED and tired of trying to CONVINCE people to join your MLM? How would you like it if people were coming to you and ASKING to join? CLICK HERE and enter email to watch FREE video on how this guy fired his boss and is now livin’ the dream!