How to find the right partners to work with online?
Have you come to the realization that you can’t do everything yourself?
As an entrepreneur we are often guilty of thinking we are the best person for the job.
We tend to think “my way or the highway” is the right solution to disagreements.
I know I’ve been guilty of those thoughts.
The right way to think
Even though we know it’s not the right way to think, we still can catch ourselves thinking that way.
That’s really just because thoughts and feelings have a mind of their own.
It’s not because we think one thing that we will automatically eliminate the feelings that contradict those thoughts.
I’m sure you’ve heard lots of times that you should surround yourself with people that are better than you.
All successful entrepreneurs came to that realization and will tell you that almost everyone in their team is better than them.
In the beginning
It’s just that in the beginning, we start alone and we know what we are trying to accomplish.
It’s natural that we think we can do it better – if we didn’t, we wouldn’t start anything.
At one point though, you do realize you can’t do it all – at the very least, you don’t have the time it takes to do it all.
That’s when yo need to start looking for partners.
Sure, you could hire people but that’s expensive… we don’t all have the budget to hire everyone we need – especially someone that can do the job.
Finding the right partners to work with
When we realize that, we start trying to find partners.
The thing with partners, is that it’s supposed to be equal, right?
I mean, would you work with someone else for “free” if you weren’t getting anything in return?
You certainly can ask people if they know someone who can do X, Y or Z and then reach out to their references.
Thing is, that they will want something in return – it all starts and ends with money, so you’d have to hire them.
What is the right partner?
At this point, you may be wondering what is the right partner?
The right partner is the one who wants what you have to give and has to give what you want.
Simple right?
Well, not so easy to find.
Nowadays, with social media, we, for some reason, think it should be easier.
I don’t want to burst your bubble, but it’s not any easier… and is harder in many ways.
The good news
The good news is that it’s simple.
There’s are process you can follow to find the right partner!
Isn’t that great?
I’m sure there are quite a few different ways to go about it but the one I’ll explain is the one I’m going through right now.
Finding 5 partners in 5 days
I’m not going to pretend I’m an expert at this but I am learning.
I actually joined a really awesome 5 day challenge with Jay Fiset where he walks us through the process of find 5 partners in 5 days.
I’m only on Day 2 right now but I can already tell he knows his stuff.
It reminds me of what I’ve been doing for a while which is just engaging with others.
and it’s reminding me to tell you about these other awesome people I’ve been following.
In the video, I explain and show a little more about this.
I also talk about the people I”m following and engaging with on Facebook.
You should definitely lookup Monique Muro, David Vidales, Megan Harrison and Russell Brunson.
As always, make sure to share this with your friends.