What is easiest and fastest way to find people to talk to on social Media?

I tell ya, there’s a lot of different things being taught online.

How you navigate that is one of the hardest things to do.

I know it took me a while to figure out what worked for me, and I’m still learning.

It’s definitely easier to learn from someone else’s mistakes though.

I’d like you to learn from mine.

What do you really need to do online?

First, let’s clarify what you really need to be doing online.

This isn’t all you need to do, but it’s the basics and where you should start.

  1. Have something you can give them that they want.
  2. Offer it to them for free in exchange for their email.
  3. Get their name and email
  4. Have a conversation with them to find out if you can help them.
  5. Let them ask you how they can buy what you have to sell.

I’ve learned over years the best ways to accomplish these steps.

Let’s go through each one together.

Step 1: Have Something you can give them that they want.

I’ve sure you’ve heard that the money is in the list, right?

That’s about your email list that is.

But, before you can start to gather emails for your email list, you need something they want.

How do you know what they want?

Yeah, that’s where we talk about avatars and audience but let’s assume they are you… what do you want?

Personally, my online marketing is about making money from home, entrepreneurship and growing an audience.

So, I offer things that people interested in that would want.

The easiest is to offer things that are already done for me – and you can get those things too with a platform like MLSP.

Step 2: Offer it to them for free in exchange for their email

Once you have something you can give them, you’ll want to offer it to them.

You can do that as simply as with a social media post.

Just don’t post the link to your offer, or the ebook right in your post.

There’s lots of reasons why not, but mostly, it’s because the platform doesn’t want you to share links since that means people will leave the platform.

I just did a simple social media post myself and got tons of requests for the info I was giving away for free.

Step 3: Get their name and email

So, now you have something they want and you offered it to them.

You could just send it to them in an email, a private message or other ways directly.

But the problem with that is it’s not very scalable and you probably know that you need to have multiple exposures with them before they’ll buy.

You could do that by just reaching out to them every month or possibly they’ll see your social media posts but I wouldn’t recommend you bank on that.

The best way is really to setup an email list manager such as aWeber (get free account at http://aweber.jeansergegagnon.com) and create capture pages.

You can do that many different ways but using a platform like MLSP really gives you a huge advantage.

Step 4: Have a conversation with them to find out if you can help them

After you’re all setup to gather their email and send them the free gift they asked for, you’ll want to have a conversation with them.

It can be a direct conversation, like on the phone, a Facebook messenger call or a Zoom call (which is the best of course) but it can also be by email.

When I say by email, I’m talking about an indoctrination sequence.

What’s that?

Well, an indoctrination sequence is a series of 3-6 emails you send to your new subscriber so they can get to know you.

The most affective method is to use something called the Soap Opera Sequence that Russel Brunson details in his books.

The idea is that you send 5 emails, one per day, each of which has a hook at the end making the reader anxious to read the next day’s email.

Obviously, there’s more to it than that, so you may want to read my other posts on the topic.

Step 5: Let them ask you how they can buy what you have to sell.

The final, really ultimate goal, should be that you’re not selling them anything but they want to buy what you have.

How do you do that?

The secret is in knowing who your ideal customer is (your avatar), creating content content they want and giving them lots for free.

When you finally have a conversation with them, don’t try to sell them anything.

Instead, talk to them as if they want it already and you are just offering them a way to get it.

Convincing to buy never works in long term, but using attraction marketing does although it takes more upfront work, it’s worth it.


As you can see, it’s not too complicated to do this.

Sure, there’s a lot more you can add to this list such as email indoctrination messages, daily blogging and social engagement and a lot more.

If you start with these basics and get good at it, you can then add to your activities.

Watch the video as I do cover this in more details.

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