How to setup retargeting Ads on Facebook?

Do you want to show your posts to people who have seen your other posts automatically?

Are you out of time to pay the social media engagement game?

Are you willing to spend a few hundred a month on ads on Facebook?

If you’ve dabbled in Facebook Ads like me…

And you have a life, so you can’t spend 4 hours a day on Facebook doing the engament thing, then you’re in the right place.

What is Facebook Engagement game?

One thing about Facebook is that there is a way to get people to see your stuff without spending on Ads.

They basically show your stuff to people if you are a good sport… in other words, if you play their game of engaging on other people’s stuff.

It makes sense really because Facebook needs people to engage on stuff to get advertisers to buy ads.

It’s also a social platform, so they need engagement to make it social.

So the game is the more you engage on other’s posts (like, comment and share), the more your stuff will be shown to others so they engage on it.

It’s sort or a reward system.

What if you don’t have time?

The problem is that if you want lots of people to see your stuff, you need to spend lots of time engaging on other people’s stuff.

I try to spend 10-30 minutes in a day doing that.

Problem is, I’ve also got a life… kids… a wife… a home… and a day job

Not to mention that I’m also engaging on LinkedIn, TikTok and Instagram, all of which takes time.

That’s why I spend dollars on Ads… since I don’t have enough time.

What is Retargetting Ads?

Creating Ads on Facebook is relatively easy.

A Retargeting Ad is one that is shown to someone who’s already taken action on your stuff.

Maybe the visited your website or commented on a post or watched a few seconds of your videos.

You want to show the Ad to them, so that is what retargeting is all about.

What do you need to do a Retargeting Ad?

First, let me be clear that I will be telling you about using videos to retarget other videos.

It’s similar to other types of content Ads or other actions, but I’m just showing you that.

Make sure you have setup your Facebook pixel – you can google how to do that as it changes from time to time so I won’t explain it here.

Next you need to have a Facebook Business page and you must have posted at least one video to it.

Then you need to create a custom audience for video views and add at least one video in it.

After that, any new videos you create, you must edit the audience to add new video before sharing video to groups or elsewhere.

This will build your custom audience as you create new videos and share them organically.

What about retargeting Ads?

Until your custom audience is big enough (at least 1000), there’s no real point to doing a retargeting Ad.

You can keep going like that until the audience is big enough, or you can create an Ad to boost your video to your demographic.

Anyone who watches your video from that Ad will increase the size of your custom audience.

Finally, once your audience is big enough, you can think of a retargeting Ad.

Doing the retargeting Ad

First, you’ll need to create a new audience based on your custom audience.

Select the custom audience source as your video viewers audience.

And any other targeting options, like geography, gender, age or interests.

You can leave all that to worldwide if you really want to target everyone who watched your videos but chance are some are random and have no interest in making money online, loosing weight or selling real estate – or whatever your niche is.

Then you just choose your Ad creative and create the Ad.

It will be seen only by people in your custom audience that have already watched one of your videos.

The secret of 7 Ads

I’ll leave you with this final secret

There is a saying that someone needs at least 7 exposures before they will take action.

7 exposures before they start to know you… like you and trust you.

After 7 exposures, they are likely to buy from you.

So, do 7 Ads to your retargeted audience – no need for more.

and finally you can do your actual Ad to sell them something – Facebook will do the magic of showing them all those Ads to get them to finally click on your product or webinar…

Good luck and let me know how it goes.

P.S. Make sure to watch the video as it goes through all these steps.

Don’t forget that sharing mean caring – so share this to your friends.

P.P.S. Subscribe to my YouTube channel at and join my email list at


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