How to add Chat Bot to your web site?

If you’re like me, you love chat bots and your loved Many Chat…

But once Facebook changed the rules, it because harder to use (I really should still be using it though)

Anyway, since I found a really amazing chat bot for web sites (get yours at I thought it would be cool to show you how to add it to your blog or your website.

Getting the chat bot software

The first thing you’ll need to do is get the software.

I’m not sure how long it will be available at this ridiculous lifetime cost of just $37 (or even less!).

Get yours at

Once you have the software, it’s just a matter of logging in and creating your first bot

Creating a bot

The first thing you’ll see is that creating a bot is as simple as clicking a few buttons.

Sure, you can make it super simple or super complicated but think of a bot as a series of questions and actions based on the answers.

For example, you might want to ask someone if they’d like to find out more about your services.

So, you add a block that sends them the text “Would you like more information on our services”

Then, you set the user response to a Yes or No button pair.

And add a block to send them a message saying what you do if they click Yes and saying “thanks for stopping by” if they click No.

Each block can have multiple messages with a delay between them but the end result of a block must be an action you ask the user to take, then the next block will be based on that action.

The bot design

You can even completely customize the bot.

It can look traditional like this:

With some colors, like this:

Or funky like this:

The settings for the bot

Finally, you can do things like get an email notification when someone interacts with your bot.

You can have it popup automatically after an number of seconds or when they hover over the page.

Or you can have it as a full page bot to eliminate any distractions.

How to add it to a WordPress web site

You can easily add the bot to your WordPress site by installing their plugin and configuring a default bot.

You can even set a different bot for specific pages or specific posts.

You can set that up right in the bot’s settings and just copy the code to your header

Or you can use the WordPress plugin they provide and it will give you list of pages and posts you can set bots for each

How to add to other web site?

To add it to a standard website, you just need the code.

If your website allows you to add header code, you can add it there.

If not, you’ll just need to give your programmer the code and they’ll add it.

What about the competition?

In case you wonder, there are other tools out there, like mobile monkey which offers a free solution but the paid option (which you’ll surely need) is quite a lot more (since it’s monthly):



The ConversioBot chatbot software is pretty simple to use.

Sure, they’re lots you can do, but creating a basic chat bot and adding it to your site is really simple.

Watch the video to see how to do.

Make sure to share this with any of your friends that have a web site… or if they don’t – they might know someone who does.

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