How to grow your followers on Social Media platforms?
It’s no secret that we are all attracted to accounts with lots of followers.
So it stands to reason we want to have lots of followers too.
The social platforms know this and make it so you’ll want to get lots of followers.
The same process is pretty much on all platforms.
What does he know?
You might be thinking “what does he know?” and wonder if you should be following my advice.
First off, it’s true that what I outline here is just advice, it’s what I did and doesn’t mean it’s the best or only way to do it.
Do your homework before blindly following someone’s advice online.
I can only show you my results and let you decide for yourself.
What are my results?
Ok then, so what have I accomplished?
It’s been a long time since I grew my Twitter account, so I can’t really show you the quick growth many years ago, but I have 11,567 followers.
On Instagram, I’ve gotten to 4,048 followers
On Pinterest, I’ve been able to get 3,635 followers
On LinkedIn, I’ve grown to 15,972 connections and 15,250 followers and I actually created a course of how you can grow your LinkedIn connections by 1000+ per month which you can check out at
More recently, I’ve grown my TikTok followers to 2004.
And lastly, I’ve grown my BitClout followers to 381 in just a week.
P.S. I’m not getting into Facebook as it’s not my favorite platform these days, but in the past, I did grow page likes to over 23k and another page at 18k only to loose those pages, so I’m not super fond of Facebook, but some of these strategies could work with them too if you are careful.
What are the strategies?
As mentioned earlier, these are just strategies I used without going too crazy with them.
They work because they are actually based on human responses and emotions.
There are 3 main strategies:
1- Follow/unfollow
2- Follow back
3- Follow their followers
Let’s explain these 2 strategies.
Strategy 1: Follow/unfollow
Personally, I’m not a huge fan of the follow/unfollow strategy.
So I won’t get into it here much but it’s basically, follow someone and unfollow them right away because they still get a notification that you followed them.
This is only useful on platforms that do notify them you followed them.
The main reason why this is a strategy is because, on Instagram, there’s a hard limit of 7500 followings you can do, so it’s become one way to do it.
I prefer following and waiting a week or two before unfollowing accounts.
Strategy 2: Follow back
This is one you’ll definitely want to do.
Check your notifications daily to see who followed you and follow them back.
On most platforms, you can also check your followers list and there will be a button to follow those you aren’t already following.
Keep in mind that platforms do not like you doing that too fast and will block you if you do so.
Some will even give you a “black mark” if you do it too fast regularly.
They do that to avoid people using robots (automation tools) so, be careful when you see messages about going too fast of the button stops working.
Strategy 3: Follow their followers
This is by far, my favorite way of finding new followers.
Obviously, you’ll want to be posting content that your audience is interested in.
And you’ll want to follow people who post things you’re interested in too.
But how do you find the right people to follow?
The secret is in being able to follow the followers of other influencers in your niche.
Basically, what some would call your competition!
On all platforms, you can go find your “competition” and see their followers.
Just go follow those who follow them and as long as you post content that they would be interested, watch your followers grow like wildfire.
You’ll get 30-50% of them following you back.
Pretty cool, right?
Of course there’s a lot more to it than just getting followers, but as you can tell from my results on the brand new social network BitClout, using these strategies works very well.
Make sure to follow me, join my list and all that to get more tips like this.
Also watch the video for more specific examples of how to do this and what happens when you go too fast.
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