What is best way to plan out 2022 for success?

Now that 2021 is coming to an end, you probably want to make sure 2022 doesn’t turn out the same.

I know I don’t and the only way to do that is to make plan.

I’m not sure about you, but the last 2 years have been pretty crazy.

The thing is though, that every online marketer has been saying it’s the best time to build an online business.

Seriously, when COVID hit in March 2020 every single company that had remote products blew up!

So, why not your and my online business?

I’m pretty it’s because we didn’t have a plan, so let’s get to it for 2022.

What is a plan anyway?

The first thing you’ll want to make sure you understand before anything else is what a plan is.

It’s probably pretty obvious but a plan is a way to get from point A to point B.

If we compare that to going from Los Angeles to New York, you might think it’s basic, but there is a lot that goes into that plan.

For example:

  • What transportation will you use? (let’s say a plane)
  • When will you leave Los Angeles? (suppose 9am)
  • How long before departure do you need to be at airport (7am)
  • How will you get to airport (a cab?)
  • What do you need to bring with you?
  • When will you prepare your luggage?
  • What time do you need to get up to have time to shower?
  • Will you eat before you leave home or at the airport?
  • What will you bring on the flight?
  • Where will you stay once in New York?
  • Etc, etc etc…

All these details are part of a plan.

So, in essence, a plan is a set of instructions that, if followed, will allow you to reach a goal.

What are goals?

Now that you know that a plan allows your to reach a goal, let’s make sure we know exactly what a goal is.

Or, at the very least, let’s explain what I mean by a goal so that we can clearly define our plan for 2022.

A goal can be something like this:

  • things you want to achieve
  • an amount of money per month/per year/per day
  • a feeling in your relationship
  • a weight you want to be at
  • how much time you spend with family
  • places you want to vacation to

But there is a little more to having a good goal to aim for.

Your goals should be Smart!

Yeah, I know, you are smart but when I say your goals should be smart, I don’t mean intelligent.

I mean, they should be:

S – Specific

M – Measurable

A – Attainable

R – Relevant

T – Timely

This simple means that should should be able to make sure all your goals have these 5 attributes.

Specific so that you or anyone else understands what you mean by your goal.

Measurable so that you can easily say if you are 20%, 50% or 95% there.

Attainable so you’re not setting a goal that is un-realistic or just a dream or maybe even physically imposible.

Relevant so it’s not something that makes no sense to your life.

Lastly, timely so you can give it a specific date to be accomplished.

What areas should you set your goals for?

You might be tempted to set a goal for how much income you want to achieve and leave it at that.

I caution you though that doing a goal for a single area in your life is much less likely to be accomplished.

This is why all success coache talk about setting a goal for each of these areas of your life:

  1. Relationships
  2. Health
  3. Wealth
  4. Work/Job
  5. Recreation

Each of these areas have different levels of important for us but are all important and need to be considered since achieving our goal in one area will take time away from other areas.

Everything needs to be in balance if you really want success.

Let’s get into examples by using my goals.

What are my goals?

For each area, here are goals that would make sense for me.

  1. Talk to my family more
    • Talk to my 2 older daughters, my parents and siblings at least 2 times a month
  2. Workout more often
    • Workout for 15m three times a week
  3. Have more savings
    • Have $40k in savings in bank or cryptos
  4. Quit my day job
    • Make salary x2 per year
    • Make $x by end of December 2022
  5. Vacation more
    • Spend 1 week at camper without working
    • Take days off to play in snow or on beach

All these are examples of goals and more specific details of them.

I also got inspiration from this blog post at https://www.thebalancesmb.com/how-to-create-an-action-plan-to-achieve-your-goals-1794129 which has some other great tips


It’s really not that hard to create a good plan for your success in 2022.

I’ll been doing my plan too and if you watch the video, you’ll see I even got into it quite a bit more too.

It might be easy to create a plan but it not that’s easy to take action on it and it’s even harder to do so when you don’t commit it to paper or follow up on it.

That’s probably the most important thing you can do – commit your plan to paper and follow it!

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