How to use Active Group Users to Attract the Perfect Prospect?
When you talk to any online guru, they’ll tell you the best place to focus your activities online are in Facebook groups.
And I totally agree, at least right now because that’s where it’s really easy to find the right people.
Problem is improving your chances that pitching someone will actually work and get them to become an interested prospect.
Sure, you could just randomly engage and get to know them by just keeping everything in your head and just leave it chance.
I mean, seriously, that’s what I used to do.
What did I use to do to find interested prospects?
Imagine this: you’re posting daily and engaging on posts in your feed and in groups.
You’re a really good Facebook user, you take your time to read the posts and comment on them and Facebook notices how much of a “good user” you are and rewards you with reciprocity and shares your stuff to their timeline.
Over time, you remember “oh yeah, this is the 4th or 5th time I see this person’s posts in my feed, maybe I should send them a PM” and so you do, you have a quick conversation with them.
It works, you start to get a few good prospects because you are so good at remembering everyone you engaged with in the past… or are you?
I used to do that, just like that and eventually, I realized I was seeing the same people all the time in my feed, so I started taking notes or going through my friend list.
It was exhausting! It felt like I was managing my list of potential prospects more than having fun engaging on stuff.
There had to be a better way!
As a programmer, I knew I could automate all the notes and lists I was doing in notebooks, in google sheets or in my company’s CRM software.
Don’t get me wrong, all those tools are great and they do work, but it just felt like there was way too much stuff that I could do better.
Like, how could I figure out who I engaged with in the last 30 days enough to contact them?
I knew that if I contacted someone who hadn’t yet warmed up to me by seeing my posts or my comments on theirs enough, they would just think I was trying to get money from them.
Mostly because I think that when someone randomly sends me a message and tells me about their amazing tool they have and wants me to look at it.
So I created the Active Group Users chrome extension.
Why Active Group Users chrome extension?
I could have created this tool just for me and used it and gotten all the advantage for my use only.
But I knew that other marketers like you were struggling too.
What the tool does is find the users that are actually active in groups and gives you a list of their profile links.
You can then use that list to visit their profiles and comments on their posts.
No need to click 3 links before you get to their profile.
The best part is that it will keep track for you of all these things:
- When you last visited their profile so you can maximize your time by visiting them just every few days (I currently wait 6 days)
- How many times you’ve visited their profile over time so you know if it’s a good time to PM them.
- How many profiles you’ve visited so far as well as how many posts you’ve reacted to and commented on so you can stay consistent every day (I currently visit 20-23 profiles every day)
- Notes for any profile so you know if it’s worth visiting them again in the future (for example, I take note if they post nothing, if it’s not in English, not my target market or their profile is locked)
- Even use your phone to track your activities so you don’t need to be stuck to your computer!
Go to to start your free 14 days trial today!
How to use Active Group Users chrome extension?
It’s really simple to use this tool.
Here are the easy steps:
- Add the plugin to your chrome browser
- Activate your account and get your access key
- Enter the groups you want to find users in
- Click the button to find the users and let it do it’s thing
- 5 to 30 minutes later (depending on how many groups and posts it found), visit the profiles
- Engage on people’s posts and record how many you engaged on
Repeat the next day.
You can also enable a schedule to automatically check for new users (I have it run every night at 2am)
It’s really that simple.
No matter how you do it, you need to be consistent and track your interactions.
You could use spread sheets, documents or note books to do that but if you want to really focus your time on the actions of engaging and forget about the tracking, you need Active Group Users Chrome Extension!
Get your free 14 days trial at and find out how easy it is to use.
Check out the video for details on how to use it on your computer and your phone.
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