What is difference between Click eCourse and Udemy course platform?
Let’s take a look at Udemy and how it compares to Click eCourse platform.
This is the 2nd blog post where we compare course hosting platforms.
The first one was about Teachable and you can see it at Course Income Secrets #358 – What is difference between Click eCourse and Teachable course hosting platform?
In this comparison, our hope is you’ll want to use Click eCourse but it may not be the platform for you, so keep reading to find out.
So, let’s get to Udemy.
What is Udemy platform?
Udemy is a course marketplace.
The main difference between Udemy and other course hosting platforms is they focus on how courses are presented to potential students (or buyers)
It’s got a good looking UI and relatively easy to navigate interface for students.
It definitely has a huge selection of courses already on the platform too on pretty much every imaginable topic you can learn.
What is Click eCourse platform?
Click eCourse is a course hosting platform with social media features.
It’s also a marketplace although there needs to be more titles published.
With Click eCourse you can also setup your own school with just your course in it which is not possible with Udemy.
The social media features on Click eCourse are also unique and include friends, private messages, groups and a news feed to name a few.
Comparison chart
Here’s a side by side comparison of the two platforms:
Feature | Click eCourse | Udemy |
Marketplace | yes | yes |
Your own school | yes | no |
Choose courses to show in school | yes | no |
Free course hosting | yes | yes |
How much of sales do you keep | 100% | 37% |
Simple course creation (just lesson videos) | yes | no |
Advanced courses with modules | yes | yes |
Free course limits | none | max of 2h |
Cost to become a student | none | buy course |
Cost to become a teacher | free | free |
Can comment on course | yes | no |
Can comment on lesson/video | yes | no |
Feed to see activity on platform | yes | no |
Can connect with others as friends | yes | no |
Can send private messages to others | yes | no |
Can rate courses | yes | yes |
Student profile can be private | yes | yes |
Student profile can be public | yes | yes |
Teacher profile can be private | yes | no |
New course updates communicated to students | yes | no |
As you can see there a great positives for both platforms.
Differences for a student
As a student, you’ll see these difference between the platforms.
In both cases becoming a student doesn’t cost anything on top of the price of a course.
If the course is free, you can access it for free without any cost to you as you’d expect.
The main difference as a student is that with Click eCourse, the social aspect of the site allows other students and the teacher to communicate with the student.
Of course, there’s an option to make your profile private so that no longer become possible.
As a marketer, this is super important and since Udemy doesn’t allow that type of connection with the students, it makes it less appealing to marketers and affiliates.
How much can you make?
Once thing you’ll notice on Udemy when trying to create a course is that it’s totally free.
It may be awesome to be able to create as many courses as you’d like for free and in contrast, on Click eCourse, there are maximum number of courses based on the plan you choose.
The drawback though is how much of your profits you give up.
With Udemy, you get only 35% of the sales on your courses as compared to 100% (less processing fees) on Click eCourse.
Sure, it may cost you $10 or $30/month to host your courses on Click eCourse (you can host 2 for free) but at least you keep all your profits.
With that being said, you might not mind to give away 65% of your sales if they truly market your course and get you sales.
However, there’s no way to be sure without trying it out.
Differences for a course creator
When you create a course on Udemy, it’s a very complete process.
You must decide on your curriculum, choose your sections (or modules) and each individual lessons to put in each section.
Also, you can choose a custom landing page, add notes and other things to your course.
It’s great that it’s complete and very well organized and it can be a huge plus if you have the time and energy t do all that.
On the flip side, even though Click eCourse does allow modules and sections, you can also create a super simple course with just lesson videos in it.
One other difference is that Udemy only allows courses to be free if they have less than 2 hours of video content.
There is no such limitation on Click eCourse – you can have a free course with 100 hours of video if you want.
The social aspects
I can’t say I’m clear on the social aspects of Udemy but I did see that they allow a direct link to your course’s landing page you can share to social media.
Of course, you can do that too with Click eCourse but a lot more in terms of social features.
For example, you can:
- Setup your own public profile with picture, cover, social links and BIO (or you can make it private)
- Add comments to lessons, courses, files or in the news feed.
- See a news feed of the site with comments, new profile pictures, new courses, new lessons, course ratings and more
- Create secret, private or public groups that allow you to connect with people.
- Send private messages to others on the platform (if their profile is public)
- Post to the news feed or in groups you are part of to stay connected.
Of course, this can all be done on social platforms but by doing it on Click eCourse, you can own your content and choose what is allowed in your courses, lessons and groups.
As mentioned before, Click eCourse may not be the platform for you as Udemy certainly has a lot to offer.
If you’re not interested in promoting your own courses and you’re okay with Udemy keeping a part of your sales because they do the promotion, they Udemy is probably a great place for you to host your courses.
If you’d like to learn more, make sure to watch the video as I do who the screens and go into more details on these questions.
Don’t forget to share this with anyone who need to know by clicking the social links.

[…] Previously, we compared Click eCourse with Teachable (at http://cis358.jsgagnon.com) and with Udemy (at http://cis359.jsgagnon.com). […]
[…] of this writing, the comparisons where done with Teachable, Udemy, Skillshare and Business […]