How to Use the Reverse Social Prospecting Formula in 2024?
As the new year strikes, it’s time for you to take action and learn what has changed in social media marketing.
If you’re still using the same strategies and techniques to build your audience on social media today that leaders were using last year, you may not get the same results they got.
It’s not that those older strategies don’t work, it’s that they aren’t as efficient as they used to be.
Social platforms constantly change their algorithms so we must also adjust our methods and activities.
What is the Reverse Social Prospecting Formula?
The Reverse Social Prospecting Formula, or RSP Formula, is about doing some things differently than what the social platforms expect you to do.
It’s all about taking control of your time on social media platforms like Facebook.
Instead of spending hours a day on the news feed, you spend only 30 minutes a day engaging on posts.
Instead of using the news feed to decide what posts to engage on, you use a list of users.
Instead of randomly sending messages and friend requests, you wait until they know and like you.
Instead of relying on your memory to guess that a prospect is ready to have a conversation, you know for a fact they are.
How to use the Reverse Social Prospecting Formula (the RSP Formula)?
There are really just 3 things you need to use the RSP Formula:
- A list of users to engage on their posts.
- A tool to track your comments on their posts.
- Content to post regularly.
Of course, the rules of Attraction Marketing still apply, so you need to ensure all this is done right:
- Know your offer.
- Know your avatar.
- Have your profile setup right.
Without having those things well done and precise, no activities will give you much result.
I’ve written many other blog posts and eBooks to help with the basics of Attraction Marketing, so make sure you go through those.
See these blog posts:
- Course Income Secrets #455 – Attraction Marketing Truth 5 of 5 – Make them the Offer
- Course Income Secrets #456 – Why is it so important to define your Avatar?
- Course Income Secrets #451 – Attraction Marketing Truth 1 of 5 – Setup your profile for your ideal prospect
How to get list of users to engage on their posts?
There are lots of ways to get list of users to engage on their posts.
It’s more about how to choose them and how to store a list of them.
You could use a spreadsheet and put their Facebook profile URLs in rows, then enter a number on a column indicating how many times you visited their profile.
Then you need to have another column with the number of posts you reacted to and another with how many you commented on.
If you’re feeling this sounds like a lot of work, you’re right, but read on…
How to track your comments on their posts?
Using that same spreadsheet, each time you visit their profile, you’d record the date so you know how long ago it was you last visited them.
You would also record how many posts you commented on and how many you reacted to.
It’s important because each time you comment on a post, your face will show up in their notifications.
When they’ve seen your face enough in their notifications and in their posts comments, they are likely to visit your profile and comment on your posts.
After a while, they will feel they know you so you can reach out to them.
If you don’t track how many posts you’ve commented on, you won’t know when a prospect is ready for you to reach out to them.
But, you’re right that this is a ton of work – but there is an easier way – read on…
How to find ideas for content that your avatar will like?
Lastly, you’ll need to be posting content that your ideal prospect will be interested in.
That comes from knowing your offer and knowing your avatar, both very important to define.
But, even knowing that sometimes might not be enough to have a good post idea on some days.
It might not surprise you that if you choose who’s profiles you visit carefully, their posts will always give you ideas for your posts.
I’m not saying to copy their posts, although sometimes sharing their posts will be a great idea too, but get ideas from their posts.
Like me, I often create a post from a comment I put on someone else’s post.
What’s the easier way?
You’re probably thinking that sounds like way too much work and I agree!
When I first figured out that I needed to do something different than what Facebook wanted me to do, I saw it was possible but took so much time to just track things.
That’s why I created the software called Active Group Users (get free trial at to do the following for you:
- Get list of users that are actually active in the groups you choose.
- Give you list of those users with many different filtering and sorting options.
- Track for you your visits, comments and reactions to their posts.
- Clearly show you that a prospect is Hot and ready for you to contact them.
Let’s face it, no one wants to spend their time tracking activities but as a marketer, you know how important it is.
Imagine having a list of thousands of prospects ready for your pitch!
Isn’t that what we all want as marketers? A list of prospects to pitch!
Right? Yeah, I know that sounds a little like dirty sales tactics, so let me put it this way.
If you have an offer that can help someone with a problem they have and you know how to help them with it, wouldn’t you want to talk to them about it so they decide themselves?
That’s what the Reverse Social Prospecting Formula lets you do!
You can keep doing what leaders are telling you they did and contact 10-20 people a day, so 300 people per month to get 1 or 2 sales per month or use RSP with AGU and get hundreds of sales a month if you are patient with process.
If you follow the RSP Formula and use Active Group Users (AGU) software, instead of randomly contacting people, you let your actions turn them into hot prospects.
It might take a little longer to start having those conversations, but wouldn’t you rather have 9 out of 10 be happy to talk to you instead of 1 out of 100?
It’s important to constantly update our strategies because the social platforms are constantly updating their algorithms.
If we don’t adapt, we won’t get the results we are expecting, so get yourself a free trial of Active Group Users at and get those results you deserve!
Watch the video as I get more into this topic and share some other insights not in the blog.
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