Hey, my friend! So do you wanna know what marketing is?

Maybe you know what marketing is and marketing online is.

Just slightly different but I’ve been doing this for a while so I want to give you my definition of what marketing online is.

Honestly, when you’re talking about digital courses or promoting courses from others or promoting platforms or anything like that, it’s all mostly online.

When we talk about marketing, like I said when I was a kid, I remember liking to see the commercials.

Some of the commercials I didn’t want to see but sometimes some commercials were kind of cool and it was kind of interesting to see how they
marketed the product and how they tried to sell it.

Because obviously that’s what commercials are about. Their marketing.

Marketing a product and marketing is about making sales or generating income by providing or showing people why they would want a product.

It’s all about showing them the benefits of that products and what they’re gonna get by buying it.

It’s all about convincing or showing them that they’re gonna benefit from spending that money for that product.

So whether it’s a service or an opportunity or anything like that, it doesn’t really matter.

It’s an exchange, right?

They’re gonna exchange their money for this product or service.

You have to make them see that they’re gonna be happy about spending that money.

So they’re gonna get more value out of that then they put on the money they have that they’re gonna be giving away.

Marketing is about explaining and showing people that they’re gonna get something for it’s an exchange.

If you think about a beer commercial for example, right? Beer commercials are notorious for showing people that can have a good time where they’re going to be around hot people or they’re gonna have fun or it’s gonna be parties or whatever.

They’re showing people that if they buy this beer, they’re gonna be in that situation. And that’s the marketing.

Now, marketing online a lot similar obviously but when you mix in social media and in Facebook and LinkedIn and Twitter and Instagram, there’s other things that you need to consider because it’s who are you gonna market to.

That’s why we talk about your target market and your avatar.

We talk about where those people hang out? What is it that they are interested in? What are their fears?

What are their problems? What are their struggles?

So that you can build a marketing strategy around their problems.

You’re not going to build a marketing strategy around somebody else’s problem.

So if you’re trying to sell a dog food, there’s no sense in talking about how people with cats have hair balls.

The people with dogs don’t care so you’re not gonna market.

You get a market around their needs, their desires, their problem.

So when you’re marketing online, you can spend money on ads just like people spend money on TV commercials.

That’s definitely something you can do.

But most people starts this business online usually on the side.

It’s a separate thing from their day job and they’re doing this maybe to generate income and eventually quit their job.

So you don’t necessarily have a ton of money to spend on ads.

That’s the cool thing about social media.

You can market yourself. You can market yourself as a person whatever your interests are. Whatever your activities are. Whatever your life is like.

You can market that as something that people will be attracted to so that eventually you can market your products.

People will buy from people they know, like and trust so by marketing yourself online, you’re becoming a person that people can see and follow and notice and they relate to and eventually connect with and buy from.

That’s what marketing online is about.

Marketing yourself versus marketing a product and and this is more about marketing on social media.

If you’re just gonna buy ads and put it in Facebook and in Google ads and then Twitter and Instagram ads and whatever else, you’re
just marketing a product.

There’s no real difference between marketing online.

Just that way versus marketing on TV.

Nowadays, they have ads before you go to the movie theater.

Ads on billboards or in magazines and radio.

Those ads are not different from ads on social media.

In social media, you typically can target much more precisely who you’re targeting the ads to and that’s definitely an advantage.

But in the end, if you really want to do online or social media marketing, you’re gonna want to market yourself first.

You’re gonna want to make sure that people know who you are, what you’re about, where you’re headed and why they should follow you and then so that eventually you can start to build some income from those people who know, like and trust you.

It’s not about taking advantage them.

Why wouldn’t they buy it from you or through you versus someplace else?

And they’re gonna enjoy getting it from you.

So if it’s an affiliate products, if you make the product, you make yourself then they’re gonna enjoy getting that and they’re gonna feel that it’s worth their money to buy whatever it is that you’ve got.

Whatever you’re recommending because they trust, they know you, they know that you’re not out there to take advantage of them.

And obviously that’s what you got to do.

Marketing on social media is all about presenting why they need whatever you have.

What is it gonna give them?

It’s not about what does the product do.

It’s what does the product help them do or help them get rid of.

So that’s what marketing online is in general.

So hopefully you got some value from this and if you think anybody else needs to hear this message and please go ahead and share.

I’m sure they’d appreciate it and I would, too.

This has been Course Income Secrets.

The entrepreneurs’ blueprint to generating income from the e-learning boom.

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My name is Jean-Serge Gagnon.

Until next time.

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